Sunday, May 31, 2009

Two Weeks Worth

These pics were taken Friday morning before we left for Montego Bay.
Meet the CSI:Jamaica team-John ( with Pinto hiding behind him and One-y taking a rest), Nick, Dora, Jody, Lydia, and Jamie
Final results of two weeks' work on the apartment.
We spent the night in Mo Bay-walking the beach, eating supper out, & doing the tourist thing-shopping. Flew out early afternoon on Saturday.

Now we are home and back into the regular grind of life in Indiana. Ready to go again the next time God taps our shoulder. If you get tapped say, "Yes Lord. Here I am. Send me." You won't regret it.


  1. I know God is smiling at you for being obedient! Thanks for sharing.;D

  2. You both are wonderful servants of the Lord!!! It looks like you accomplished SOOO much while you were there too!
